Power Star pawan kalyan and ace director Trivikram’s new movie will go to floors soon. Dusky beauty Samantha will be seen opposite to pawan kalyan in this film. As of now, it has been heard that the title of the movie has been confirmed as ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’. However, Trivikram made it clear that the title of the movie has not been confirmed yet and asked not to believe any rumours about the title of the movie. So we have to wait and see whether the makers will confirm the same title HRHK or go for any other title of the movie.
On the other hand, Prince Mahesh Babu and director Sukumar’s new movie’s title has been heard as ‘Acharya’. However, the makers of the movie have revealed that they haven’t confirmed the movie’s title as ‘Acharya’ and they would prefer a powerful title for this movie. Kriti Sanon is doing female lead of this movie. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music of this movie. This movie is slated for summer release.
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